To help hydrate the body: The body is hydrated by getting the body enough water to perform its functions properly, and it is known that water is the best natural means of hydrating the body. Mild dehydration or fluid loss of 1% to 3% of your body weight can negatively affect the way your brain works. Not drinking enough water can le…
Read more »Home exercises can save your life, I know we all suffer from modern lifestyles and busy schedules between work and home, but neglecting to exercise will kill you one day, that's for sure. Neglecting to exercise will damage your bones and make them fragile and prone to fracture as a result of any injury or small trauma. It wi…
Read more »heart disease As your BMI increases, the risk of developing heart diseases such as coronary artery disease increases, and the coronary arteries are responsible for the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the heart, and when you gain weight, waxy substances accumulate inside, leading to a narrowing or blockage in these arteries. Which l…
Read more »Scientists have looked with great interest at what might work to help people who want to quit smoking. Especially since studies have shown that 90% of those who try to quit will go back to it despite their best efforts. x Here are some of the options that have been scientifically proven to work, at least some of the time: financ…
Read more »The areas that men love in a woman’s body attract men to bond with them, in addition to her personality traits, but today we shed light on the weaknesses of men in a woman’s body in detail. Which women should take care of, and pay attention to wearing the fashion that highlights these areas in front of her lover and husband in o…
Read more »Parents express great annoyance about their young children’s bed-wetting after their second or third year of age, and a solution is urgently sought when the child reaches the school stage, and he is still unable to meet his needs in the required manner. Experts say that parents should be patient with this dilemma, and explain that i…
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