Parents express great annoyance about their young children’s bed-wetting after their second or third year of age, and a solution is urgently sought when the child reaches the school stage, and he is still unable to meet his needs in the required manner.
Experts say that parents should be patient with this dilemma, and explain that it is possible to solve it, but it needs some time and exercises until the child gets rid of the habit of wetting the bed.
Researcher Alicia Eaton, who specializes in hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming, says that children's urination may extend to the age of ten or beyond.

This academy has worked with children who pee at night since 2004, and then published a book on the annoying habit in 2009, and the writer relied on aspects that are rarely noticed.
The researcher focused on a plan to rid the child of the habit in just seven days, a short period that many believe is not possible.
In the event that you are the father of a child suffering from nocturnal enuresis, the first thing to do is to choose the optimal week to start the plan, and it is better to start the method in a week that is not teeming with too much preoccupations and programs such as the exam period.

As for the second step, it is setting up a record of the data, so that the parents know the number of times the child wet his bed during the previous nights, as well as documenting things such as the time of wetting the bed, that is, knowing whether he did this on a study day or during a vacation period.
In addition, the researcher recommends clarifying other things, including: Did the child exercise in the day before wetting the bed? Did he have a lot of schoolwork that made him anxious? What did he drink or eat? These things help to understand what is happening greatly.

The third step, is to arrange the child’s room well, so that the little one realizes that he will not stumble at night on his way to the bathroom, and thus will increase his confidence in himself and will leave his bed without much fear, and the reason is that many children assert that they avoided going to the bathroom because the road did not It was impassable, or because it was not lit.
In the same direction, the researcher recommends that parents take care of the bathroom, by placing entertaining things for the children, and so they will feel familiar with the place, and it will not remain just a place to spend the bathroom, from time to time.
The researcher adds that the father or the mother should urge their son to go twice to the bathroom before he goes to sleep.
The researcher warns of the consequences of preventing children from drinking fluids so that they do not wet the bed.

 It is correct to urge children to reduce juices and other drinks during the evening, but if you offer strawberries and watermelon to young children, you should pay attention because these fruits are highly diuretic.
And because the use of electronic devices greatly reduces the quality of sleep, parents should pay attention to this matter, but they should do so with great compassion, because the child thus gains confidence in the face of obstacles.

To avoid sleep disturbance, parents should prepare enough bed linen so that the situation is rectified, when the child urinates, and most importantly not to punish the child for the habit of urination because violence will not be feasible.

The researcher urges parents not to allocate rewards to their children, as a matter of encouraging quitting, and says that children do not get rid of the habit, when they are dealt with in this way, i.e. with the logic of "sticks and carrots". What is required is to identify the source of the disturbance and work to solve it gradually and patiently.

1. Reduce fluid intake before bed:
To prevent a child's bladder from overfilling during the evening, it is important to control the amount of fluid they drink in the late afternoon and just before bed, so let them have enough fluids in the morning and at lunchtime, then slowly reduce the amount in the evening, and also, It is important that the child goes to the toilet every night, right before bedtime. Make this part of their evening routine.

2. Avoid certain foods that can irritate the bladder:
There are certain types of foods that can irritate the bladder in young children and cause accidents during sleep, because they do not have adequate bladder control. Avoid highly acidic foods such as fruit juices containing lemon, orange, pineapple, apple or cranberry.

As well as staying away from dairy products such as milk or yogurt, because they can make your child feel more sleepy, and prevent him from waking up when the bladder is full.
Also avoid hot chocolate, tea, or any carbonated drinks that may contain a lot of sugar or caffeine.
3. Include a midnight bath break:

Babies sleep heavy by nature, so sometimes it is difficult for them to wake up when their bladder is full. The idea is to wake your child in the middle of the night and deliberately interrupt his sleep to go to the toilet to empty his bladder. Doing this will help him stay more alert and wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom by himself.

You can monitor how often and how often your child goes to the toilet during the day, and wake him up accordingly. For example, if your child goes to the toilet 7 times a day, every 3 hours, wake him up every 3 hours, and later Gradually to every 4 hours, then to once a night, and when a week goes by without him peeing in his bed, stop waking him, he'll be trained to get up by himself to go to the toilet.

4. Doubling of magnesium.
According to research by the National Medical Center, children may suffer from nocturnal enuresis (bed-wetting) because they lack magnesium in their diet, and magnesium deficiency makes the nervous system less responsive, so the child doesn't realize when he needs to use the toilet.

There is no need to give your child nutritional supplements, just include magnesium in his diet. The foods include sesame seeds, avocados, bananas, salmon, legumes and tofu.
5. Keeping a record:

Just like any doctor might recommend in any situation that might happen again, it's important to keep a journal and keep track of everything that happened during the day. This will help you monitor your child's habits, activities, eating and fluid intake, and your child's mental and emotional health.

It will also help you to understand what causes bed-wetting. Certain foods may irritate them or different drinks may trigger a nervous system response, so it is important to write everything down every day to understand the reason for bed-wetting.
6. Talk to your child:

It is essential to have a conversation with your child about how he is feeling. It does not have to be about bed-wetting, but if he is going through a change in general, such as school or any other emotional situation that may be causing them some stress or anxiety, then this may be the reason behind Bed-wetting will go away when they get used to the situation, and in the meantime, make him feel supported and not embarrassed.
7. Get a bed-wetting alarm.
Sometimes, the bed-wetting alarm may be the solution to this situation, and there is a certain type of alarm that is installed on the child’s underwear, and it begins to ring as soon as it senses moisture, thus waking it up.

As soon as you hear the alarm, wake your child up and take him to the toilet. This will train your child to get up and go to the toilet on his own.

8. Motivate him by taking responsibility:
It is important to motivate your child to be independent and take some responsibility, if one night he wets his bed, instead of letting him feel guilty and embarrassed sitting in place while you clean, teach him how to change the bed sheets gently and calmly, and ask him for your help.

It is also preferable to ask him to put his clothes he wears in the washing machine, and then help you wash them, this will increase his appreciation of you, and will stimulate his desire to take more responsibility for not getting his bed wet.
Involuntary urination is one of the most prominent problems that threaten children and expose them to severe embarrassment, and they may receive punishment for it, but it is a pathological problem that must be dealt with carefully. “Consolto” reviews in the following lines the methods of treating bedwetting, whether the causes are psychological or organic.Organic reasonsDr.

 Muhammad Saad confirmed , a consultant nephrologist and urologist, said that involuntary urination occurs in children as a result of psychological factors, which represent more than 90%, but it occurs due to organic causes at a rate ranging between 5: 10%, most notably:
Problems with the muscle or wall of the bladder, and in this case the child is given medications that regulate the bladder muscles to organize the process. - Infection of an active nervous bladder, in this case the treatment requires medications that relax the

 bladder muscle to discourage its work, and in the event that it is not useful, it is preferable to inject the muscles with Botox for its role in the work Paralysis of the overactivity of the bladder muscle and thus reduces its activity and helps in its relaxation. - The presence of congenital defects in the spine from which nerves supply the bladder come out, and any defect in it affects the efficiency of the work of the bladder, and these cases need surgical intervention

Psychological causes As for the involuntary urination that occurs as a result of psychological factors, Dr. Eman Dowidar, a

 consultant in mental health and behavior modification, confirmed that it occurs as a result of the child’s feeling of constant fear and psychological instability, and his exposure to bad treatment, whether by parents, or even by friends. The first place is to treat his exposure to involuntary urination as if it is normal, and he

 rationally drew his attention that this behavior is wrong and that his place is the bathroom and not the bed, and helping him and training him on that, according to Dowidar, through
Avoid giving the child any sweets, citrus fruits or liquids two hours before bedtime. To get rid of this problem from the ground up, she advised a psychiatrist to be careful in dealing with the child, and provided some instructions to be followed when dealing with the child, including