Cleaning the toilet What are the necessary precautions when using detergents?
Cleaning the toilet is one of the basic things that every woman should take into consideration, and every woman usually resorts to cleaning the toilet by resorting to the usual and common cleaning detergents, by spraying the toilet cleaner around the edge of the toilet and inside it, after that the toilet brush is used to remove Stubborn stains and all lingering dirt and germs.
It should be taken into account that most of these detergents are toxic, so it is necessary to take the necessary instructions on the back of each package, as well.
Use gloves to avoid skin irritation and sensitivity, and in
Ways to clean the toilet from yellowing, in addition to explaining how to clean the toilet deeply.
Ways to clean the toilet from yellowing Are there unconventional ways to clean the toilet? There are many unconventional ways that women resort to to clean the toilet instead of using cleaning powders; Either due to the lack of the latter, or in order to avoid all the negative effects of detergents, and in the following will be explained the most important ways to clean the toilet from yellowing
1- Using white vinegar One of the most important ways to clean the toilet from yellowing is to use white vinegar, which is the best ingredient suitable for cleaning the toilet daily, by placing an appropriate amount of vinegar and warm water in a spray can, then the toilet is satisfied and rubbed with a special cleaning brush.
Using baking soda and vinegar First, vinegar is sprayed on all the stains and wait for a few minutes, then clean the stains with a toilet brush, then wash the vinegar with water well, and then put the baking soda and warm water on the stains and leave it overnight if the stains are stubborn before rubbing them
Using baking soda and lemon salt Put one cup of baking soda in a bowl, add a quarter cup of lemon salt, and one teaspoon of dishwashing liquid, then stir all the ingredients together well until they are homogeneous, and distribute in an ice cube mold until Dry for at least a quarter of an hour, empty the cubes into a jar and use as needed.
The use of soft drinks A little soft drink is poured on the stains in the toilet, and left from evening until morning, and then rubbed with a toilet brush in the usual way
Use nail polish remover It is possible to resort to using nail polish remover to get rid of stubborn stains in the toilet.
How to clean the toilet deeply Although all women are keen to clean the toilet constantly and daily at least once, but it is necessary to allocate one day per week in order to clean the toilet deeply, it is known that the bathroom is the most place containing germs and viruses, and the following Explain how to deep clean the toilet
First and before you start cleaning, you should wear rubber gloves to keep the skin safe from germs and the harmful effects of cleaning products. Then pour a little hot water into the toilet to soften the dirt and make it easier to remove, and then wet a sponge with hot water and rub the toilet with it.
The bathroom cleaner is sprinkled inside the toilet and on its edges, taking into account the spraying of the interior of it, given that this area is the dirtiest, then leave the cleaner for at least half an hour, rub the toilet well with the designated brush and pour water when finished.
We all live busy lives, and sometimes cleaning the bathroom is the last thing we think of! But with so many bacteria, stains, and odors from frequent use, a clean bathroom is really essential to a family's health. Hence the bathroom should be taken care of regularly and the bathroom should not be the repository of troublesome things. Here's how to get started with a routine bathroom cleaning.
Before starting:
First, choose the right cleaning tools.
The standard bathroom cleaner is chlorine bleach or any commercial disinfectant that contains liquid bleach. These are often scented to make the air in the bathroom smell fresh, but the disinfectant itself should effectively eliminate all bathroom odors. Lime removers and powders with strong cleaning agents such as borax are also available in local stores, which are good materials for a deep clean or for treating particularly tough stains.
It is better to use plastic toothbrushes or non-scratch sponges than metal ones because they can damage the surface of the bathroom. Some people use reusable washcloths to clean the bathroom, but the healthiest and most convenient procedure is to use disposable or paper towels with a spray cleaner so they can be easily disposed of later.
Finally, be sure to wear protective clothing when using bleach or other toilet cleaners. Also, remember to remove any bathroom utensils or squeegees away from the bathroom so they don't splash with water and stains, and be sure to open the bathroom window for ventilation. Now you're ready to start!
Bathroom cleaning: step by step
To get rid of all the stains in the bathroom sink, you should be able to reach the entire surface of the bathroom, so start by closing the bathroom water valve, then flush the water to reduce the water level in it.
Raise the toilet seat and spray the bathroom sanitizer around the edge and sides so that the liquid runs into the bathroom sink. Scrub the bathroom with a bath brush to spread the disinfectant liquid all over the bathroom sink. Set the brush aside and let the cleanser work.
At the same time; Close the shower cap and bring antibacterial spray and disposable paper towels to use on the outside of the bathroom. Clean around the dispenser box, hinges, and all parts of the toilet seat and base as well. Remember to lift the shower cap and spray both sides of the seat, as this area can be a source of lingering odors.
Grab the scrub brush again and scrub the bathroom sink again, focusing on key areas such as the bottom edge and the curved joint. When you have completed this task; Squeeze out the water again and clean the toilet brush with this clean water.
in the presence of thick calcareous layers; Take a wet pumice stone and rub the area gently and carefully so as not to scratch the enamel layer.
Then take a step back and admire what your hands have made! The bathroom should look shiny and smell good after this work.
Alternative bathroom cleaners:
There are a number of natural solutions available at home that are useful as alternative bathroom cleaners and deodorants. If you have pets that can drink from the bath water or if you want to avoid using large amounts of heavy chemicals around children, the following solutions are worth trying:
vinegar; Vinegar is a useful cleaning agent for both odors and stains. Pour about 3 cups of vinegar into the bathroom sink, making sure to cover as much of it as possible, then scrub with a bathroom brush. Using a few cups of vinegar in the bathroom each month can actually prevent the recurrence of limescale.
cola drink
It is also useful in cleaning dirty bathrooms as the acids in it kill bacteria, and the bubbles help dissolve limescale. Pour the cola liquid around the edge and into the bathroom sink and leave it for an hour or overnight if possible.
Note: These can effectively combat bathroom odors, but they may not give you the desired scent, so you may need to add some air freshener spray after using them.
The best way to control bathroom stains and odors is daily maintenance
Let the toilet brush soak in some soapy solution or a diluted bathroom cleaner until you're ready to do a quick bathroom cleaning. Lay some disposable towels on top of the sink, it will help your bathroom look new and smell fresh