What is a food to boost immunity? 1***healthy diet: A healthy diet contains vitamin C, which is found in citrus fruits, berries, kiwi, broccoli and spinach, and vitamin E, which is found in seeds, almonds and walnuts, which provides the body with antioxidants that fight the damage caused by free radicals in cells. In a report published by the French magazine "Top Santi", the writers Catherine Cordonnier and Ingrid Bernard stress that in general the diet should be based on fresh foods, avoiding fast food and fatty foods, and avoiding cooking methods that lose nutrients value. Nutrition expert Álvaro Vargas says - according to a report published by the Spanish newspaper "ABTH" - that fruits and vegetables should represent 50% of our diet, because they contain most of the nutrients needed by immune cells, such as fiber, antioxidants and vitamin A. A) and vitamin C. Legumes that are rich in minerals such as zinc, folic acid, copper and selenium are good for the immune system These foods are useful for boosting immunity ginger chia seeds berries kiwi 2***Playing sports Meditation exercises have been shown to be effective in combating inflammation in general. Anesthesiologist Dennis Koster recommends a very simple exercise: "When you feel overwhelmed by negative thinking, stop immediately and take a deep breath and see what happens next. 3***laughing a lot Laughter is a natural antidote to anxiety and stress, as the body then secretes the hormone dopamine, which promotes feelings of happiness. 4***sleep for periods Dr. Koster advises that you should go to bed at set times, avoid using electronic devices at night, and not eat heavy meals two hours before bedtime. It is also important to get enough sleep, as many scientific studies have shown that the hormones secreted by the brain during sleep support the immune system. 5***Vitamin D intake Nutrition expert Vargas confirmed that vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins for the immune system, but it is the least consumed around the world. In general, 15 minutes of sun exposure per day is the best source of this vitamin, but given our current lifestyle, most people do not get enough sun exposure. In this case, nutritional supplements may be beneficial. And the nutritionist warned that it is very difficult to get the recommended dose of vitamin D through food only. It is found in dairy products, but not in significant proportions. Therefore, it is advised to resort to nutritional supplements or fortified foods. Before taking vitamin D supplements, it is recommended to consult a doctor and conduct an analysis to see if your body lacks this vitamin, to find out the appropriate dose. 6***Drink a lot of water Vargas recommended drinking plenty of water when you have a cold, as it cleanses the body of pathogens through urine. In general, it is necessary to drink sufficient quantities (two liters per day) because water is an essential element for all vital functions in the body 7***Fasting Helps boost the immune system and get rid of toxins, fasting from food for a period ranging between 14 and 16 hours, and only drinking fluids, eliminates dead cells, according to the Le Figaro report. Some foods decrease immunity: Added sugar is the biggest enemy of the immune system 1*According to nutrition expert Vargas, sugar (white, brown and processed in all its forms) is without a doubt the biggest enemy of immunity. It is difficult to know which products all contain sugar. Not only is the sugar cubes in your coffee, but it's also found in soft drinks, pastries, sauces, and snacks. 2*for fried food Eating fried food permanently increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, and it also increases the risk of obesity, which is a factor in diabetes, and ultimately negatively affects immunity. and that eating fried food is linked to an increased risk of heart disease and stroke. They found that even small amounts of fried food can pose a risk to heart health, as eating just 114 grams of it increases the risk of cardiovascular disease by 28 percent. Coronary artery stenosis rates are increased by 22%, and the risk of heart failure is 37%. These foods are useful for boosting immunity ginger chia seeds berries kiwi 2***Playing sports Meditation exercises have been shown to be effective in combating inflammation in general. Anesthesiologist Dennis Koster recommends a very simple exercise: "When you feel overwhelmed by negative thinking, stop immediately and take a deep breath and see what happens next. 3***laughing a lot Laughter is a natural antidote to anxiety and stress, as the body then secretes the hormone dopamine, which promotes feelings of happiness. 4***sleep for periods Dr. Koster advises that you should go to bed at set times, avoid using electronic devices at night, and not eat heavy meals two hours before bedtime. It is also important to get enough sleep, as many scientific studies have shown that the hormones secreted by the brain during sleep support the immune system. 5***Vitamin D intake Nutrition expert Vargas confirmed that vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins for the immune system, but it is the least consumed around the world. In general, 15 minutes of sun exposure per day is the best source of this vitamin, but given our current lifestyle, most people do not get enough sun exposure. In this case, nutritional supplements may be beneficial. And the nutritionist warned that it is very difficult to get the recommended dose of vitamin D through food only. It is found in dairy products, but not in significant proportions. Therefore, it is advised to resort to nutritional supplements or fortified foods. Before taking vitamin D supplements, it is recommended to consult a doctor and conduct an analysis to see if your body lacks this vitamin, to find out the appropriate dose. 6***Drink a lot of water Vargas recommended drinking plenty of water when you have a cold, as it cleanses the body of pathogens through urine. In general, it is necessary to drink sufficient quantities (two liters per day) because water is an essential element for all vital functions in the body 7***Fasting Helps boost the immune system and get rid of toxins, fasting from food for a period ranging between 14 and 16 hours, and only drinking fluids, eliminates dead cells, according to the Le Figaro report. Some foods decrease immunity: Added sugar is the biggest enemy of the immune system 1*According to nutrition expert Vargas, sugar (white, brown and processed in all its forms) is without a doubt the biggest enemy of immunity. It is difficult to know which products all contain sugar. Not only is the sugar cubes in your coffee, but it's also found in soft drinks, pastries, sauces, and snacks. 2*for fried food Eating fried food permanently increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, and it also increases the risk of obesity, which is a factor in diabetes, and ultimately negatively affects immunity. and that eating fried food is linked to an increased risk of heart disease and stroke. They found that even small amounts of fried food can pose a risk to heart health, as eating just 114 grams of it increases the risk of cardiovascular disease by 28 percent. Coronary artery stenosis rates are increased by 22%, and the risk of heart failure is 37%.