The hormones present may cause suffocation. We recommend that you take birth control pills

Pregnancy has some side effects for some women, and it is good to note that these side effects are not dangerous, as some risks may occur as a result of using the contraceptive pill as is the case. When using any other medicine, these symptoms usually disappear within 2-3 months of using the pills, but these effects do not occur in all women, as many of them use birth control pills without facing any problems, and it is worth knowing that birth control pills It has been around for decades, and millions of women use it, it is safe, so if some annoying side effects arise when you start using it, it is recommended to continue, giving the body a chance to adapt and adapt to the hormones.

This bleeding usually disappears within three months of starting to use the contraceptive pill, and this bleeding can be attributed to the uterus trying to adapt to the presence of a thin uterine lining, or the body trying to adapt to different levels of Hormones, and it is worth noting that birth control pills are effective during periods of bleeding, as long as they are used correctly, and without skipping any dose, but the health care provider should be reviewed in the event of heavy or heavy bleeding for 3 days or more, or if bleeding occurs For 5 days or more despite using birth control pills.

1***Nausea Some women may feel mild nausea when they start taking birth control pills, and it may help to relieve this by taking the pill with food or at bedtime, and it usually goes away or This symptom subsides after a while, but medical help should be sought if the nausea is severe or persists for more than three months.

2***Breast pain is a relatively common side effect during the first month of using birth control pills, and its occurrence is due to the fact that birth control pills have not suppressed the work of the ovaries yet, meaning that the woman's body is still producing its own hormones, in addition to the body getting additional amounts of Estrogen is present in birth control pills, but this symptom becomes less common after the first month of taking the pills.

3***Headaches Hormonal changes cause headaches for many women, and some women reported that their headaches improve during the period of taking the pills, while the headaches of others increase and become more frequent, especially in the week when they do not use the pills, when estrogen levels drop.

4***Mood swings Some women may suffer from side effects that can affect their decision about starting oral contraceptive pills, and these effects include mood swings or depression, so you should consult your doctor to inform him of the patient’s history of depression before starting to take the pill

5***Decreased sexual desire The percentage of women who suffer from a decrease in sexual desire is estimated at between 5-10% of all women who take birth control pills, as the artificial hormones found in these pills and other hormonal contraceptives reduce sexual desire in some women

6***Vaginal secretions Vaginal secretions can change in women who use birth control pills, the vaginal moistening may increase or decrease, or the nature of secretions may change while taking birth control pills, and these changes are usually harmless, but the change in the smell or color of secretions can It indicates infection, and therefore it is necessary to review the health care provider when these changes occur

Risks of birth control pills The use of combined oral contraceptives can increase the risk of blood clots, heart attack, and stroke in some women, but these risks are uncommon,but the risk of these effects increases in women who smoke, especially those over 35 years old. Age, and the risk of high triglyceride level, gallbladder disease, and pancreatitis increases when using birth control pills,  and it is good to mention that taking birth control pills reduces the risk of ovarian cancer,  by 50%, and it also reduces the risk of endometrial cancer by 50% as well,  in addition to reducing the risk of both pelvic and uterine cancer, despite all that, contraceptive pills increase The risk of developing breast cancer and cervical cancer is small, research has shown that even if there is a risk of developing breast cancer, it is small, and it should be noted that the risk of breast cancer and cervical cancer returns to its normal position after ten years of Stop using birth control pills

Refer to the doctor The health care provider should be consulted as soon as possible when suffering from one of the following conditions in conjunction with the use of the combined contraceptive pill:  Abdominal pain. chest pain; Depression. fainting; The appearance of a lump in the breast. epileptic seizures; Eye problems, such as double vision, loss of vision, or blurry vision. The appearance of a severe allergic rash. Severe leg pain or swelling. Extreme mood swings. Difficulty speaking or talking. Jaundice, or yellowing of the skin. Absence of menstruation twice, or signs of pregnancy. Having a headache for the first time or getting worse

The relationship of birth control pills with weight gain Many women are concerned about starting to take birth control pills, because they believe that they cause weight gain, because they contain hormones, but in fact birth control pills do not cause weight gain in most cases, and in fact there are many studies Conducted with the aim of knowing the relationship between the use of contraceptive pills and weight gain

The woman can become pregnant as soon as possible after stopping the pill, and if pregnancy occurs while using the pill, and the woman wants to continue taking the pill during pregnancy, there is no additional risk to the child

The most dangerous types of birth control pills:

Presented a group of drugs of the third and fourth generation that doctors consider more dangerous, namely:

● Maxim

● Lamuna

● Velafee

● Belara

● Dienovel

● Maitalon