The problem of darkening of the skin of sensitive areas is one of the most annoying problems for women, even those who are keen to constantly moisturize and clean the area with lukewarm water, but the use of razors and exposing these areas to heat and permanent sweat constantly contributes to their darkening, but not with the use of a natural recipe for whitening and lightening sensitive areas in 3 days. In the following article, we offer you a set of the best and most famous recipes to lighten sensitive areas in 3 days quickly to ensure that this problem is completely eliminated with natural ingredients available in your home.
Causes of darkening of the skin in sensitive areas
The problem of using inappropriate razors is the most common cause of darkening of sensitive areas or the bikini area, as some call it, and besides it there are some other factors that contribute to increasing the matter, including:
Exposing the sensitive area to heat and sweat for a long time.
Use of hair removal creams.
Use a lot of deodorants.
Constant exposure.
The presence of fungal or bacterial infections.
Wearing non-cotton clothing that does not help ventilate the area.
The problem of using inappropriate razors is the most common cause of darkening of sensitive areas or the bikini area, as some call it, and besides it there are some other factors that contribute to increasing the matter, including:
Exposing the sensitive area to heat and sweat for a long time.
Use of hair removal creams.
Use a lot of deodorants.
Constant exposure.
The presence of fungal or bacterial infections.
Wearing non-cotton clothing that does not help ventilate the area.
The best recipes for whitening sensitive areas
Below we offer you a group of the most famous and best recipes for lightening sensitive areas in 3 days, which must be applied on completely clean skin and after two or three days of hair removal to achieve the best results.
1- Potato recipe to lighten sensitive areas
Potatoes help to whiten the skin in a guaranteed way due to its mild acidic properties, and thus it is the most suitable option for people with sensitive skin whose skin may be irritated by the use of lemon juice or heavy oils. The method of potato whitening recipe is:
Rub the sensitive area with a thin slice cut from a potato.
Squeeze a potato, put that juice on the selected area and leave it for 15-20 minutes until it dries.
Rinse the sensitive area with lukewarm water.
Repeat this recipe 3 times a week and you will notice satisfactory results
2- Aloe Vera to lighten sensitive areas
Aloe vera is used with all skin types as the best natural recipe for whitening sensitive areas thanks to the moisturizing contents of aloe vera for the skin, as it is a natural skin bleacher, and its regular use helps repair damaged skin cells,
You will extract the gel from the aloe vera leaf.
Apply the gel to the pubic area and leave it on for about 20 minutes before rinsing it off with water.
Repeat the same recipe over a period of two weeks to notice amazing results, as this recipe is part of a recipe for whitening sensitive areas in 3 days if you keep repeating it.
3- A mixture of starch and rose water to lighten sensitive areas
Starch helps lighten the skin tone, while rose water acts as a natural skin toner and works to effectively lighten sensitive areas. The method of preparation is:
Mix 1 tablespoon of powdered milk with a tablespoon of starch, a tablespoon of rose water in addition to a tablespoon of natural white honey until they mix well.
Rub the bikini area with this mixture.
Leave the mixture on your body for a quarter of an hour, then wash it off with lukewarm water.
Repeat this recipe twice a week to get the desired results in lightening sensitive areas.
4- Daily honey mask to lighten sensitive areas
This recipe is a recipe for whitening sensitive areas in 3 days because of the known ability of honey to lighten and moisturize the skin, other than the possibility of mixing it with more than one ingredient, and the ideal way is:
Apply an amount of natural white honey evenly on the bikini area.
Leave the honey on the desired area for 5 minutes.
Rinse the area with warm water.
This recipe can be repeated for 3 consecutive days to notice results.
You can also make a recipe for a yogurt mask with honey to lighten sensitive areas, especially the bikini area, and this recipe can be prepared by:
Mix one tablespoon of yogurt with another tablespoon of honey.
The mixture is applied to the bikini area for 20 minutes.
The area is washed with warm water.
Repeat the same recipe two or three times a week until results are noticed.
5- Cucumber juice to lighten the bikini area safely
Cucumber contains vitamin A, which helps control melanin production and gives the skin the necessary hydration and smoothness. Cucumber juice can be used alone, and cucumber juice can be used with turmeric powder or lemon juice.
Cucumber juice can be applied to the sensitive area “bikini” and left for 10 minutes before rinsing with cold water.
Repeat this recipe at least 3 times a week, for a month, to get the best results for lightening sensitive areas.
You can also rub a thin slice of cucumber on the area to be lightened, or apply cucumber juice under the armpit.
You can also mix cucumber juice with turmeric powder and some lemon juice until you get a cohesive mixture that is easy to spread on any area of the body, then put it on the area for 30 minutes before rinsing with lukewarm water.
The most famous recipes for whitening sensitive areas quickly
There are recipes to lighten sensitive areas in 3 days quickly for those who wish to achieve a quick result, there is even a recipe for whitening sensitive areas from the first use, including the following recipes:
1- Lemon recipe
Lemon contains vitamin C, which is used to lighten sensitive dark places and achieves impressive results, so the results of the recipe for whitening sensitive areas can be observed from the first use of lemon, but it may cause dryness of the skin if it is used frequently on the same area, so an appropriate moisturizer must be used with it.
Squeeze a large lemon.
Use half a lemon after squeezing it to rub the bikini area.
Leave the area for 15 minutes to dry completely before rinsing.
You can add some turmeric or a teaspoon of yogurt or even a teaspoon of honey to the squeezed lemon before using it as a skin scrub.
Lemon juice recipe should not be used in the case of waxing; Because at that time, the citric acid will contribute to skin irritation, and any area that has been massaged with lemon juice should be avoided in the sun for two days after using the lemon juice recipe to lighten sensitive areas.
2- Baking soda to lighten sensitive areas
Baking soda contributes to getting rid of dead skin cells and prevents excessive sweating, which mainly contributes to darkening the color of the skin, but it must be mixed with water to make a cohesive paste, and the method of preparation for this recipe:
Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with 3 tablespoons of water.
Rub the bikini area with this mixture.
Leave the area for 30 minutes before washing it with cold water.
Repeat the baking soda recipe to lighten sensitive areas twice a week for best results.
3- Milk recipe to lighten the bikini area:
It is known that milk contributes to lightening the skin effectively; This is because it is rich in lactic acid, which contributes to the treatment of skin pigmentation, knowing that it is included in a recipe for whitening sensitive areas in 3 days without adding any other ingredient to it.
Soak a cotton swab in an appropriate amount of milk
Run the cotton swab over the bikini area several times.
Leave the milk on that area for 15 minutes, then wash it off with warm water.
You will notice the beginning of satisfactory results after only 3 days of use.
Milk can also be mixed with almonds to make another more effective mixture, as almonds are rich in vitamin E and have the ability to moisturize the skin effectively, in addition to being used to exfoliate dead skin, and the method of preparation for this recipe:
Soak an appropriate amount of almonds in water for a few hours.
Grind the almonds well and add 2: 3 tablespoons of milk to it, stirring until you make a cohesive dough mixture.
Put the mixture on the area with lukewarm water before bed and leave it to dry completely, with rinsing in the morning, as it is an ideal recipe for baking soda to lighten sensitive areas.
4- Tomato recipe to lighten dark areas
Tomatoes are used in recipes for whitening sensitive areas to lighten the bikini area as quickly as possible, as a natural bleach; Because it contains lycopene antioxidants, which helps lighten the bikini area in a very short time, and the lycopene in tomatoes works to protect the skin from sun damage, thus helping to lighten the skin. How to prepare for this recipe:
Scrub the bikini area with a tomato cut in half using a circular motion for a few minutes.
Leave the tomato juice on the area for at least 10 minutes before rinsing it off with cold water.
Repeat the recipe once a week until results are noticed.
5- Orange peel recipe
Orange peel contains effective properties that help in whitening and lightening the skin, so it is included in a recipe for whitening sensitive areas from the first use, and it can also be used to lighten the underarms by:
Put the orange peel in the sun for several days until it dries completely and becomes hard enough.
Grind dry orange peel until you get a powder.
Mix two teaspoons of orange peel powder with one teaspoon of rose water and one tablespoon of milk to get a smooth mixture.
Apply this mixture under the armpits or in the bikini area and leave it for 10-15 minutes.
Rinse the area with cold water.
Lightening sensitive areas in 3 days for the bride
Many are looking for ways to lighten sensitive areas in 3 days for the bride, and there are many recipes that help you lighten sensitive areas quickly and with good results, and here are some of these recipes:
1. Cucumber and turmeric juice recipe: For quick lightening of sensitive areas, use cucumber juice with turmeric and some drops of lemon juice, and rub it on sensitive areas daily. This will help to get quick lightening of these areas, in addition to the cucumber that contains vitamin A and helps control cells Pigmentation: Turmeric and lemon act as antioxidants that help get rid of impurities, toxins and blackheads.
2. Yogurt and rice flour recipe to lighten sensitive areas: Rice flour helps lighten and exfoliate the skin, in addition to yogurt, which gives your sensitive skin deep hydration. To use the recipe, mix the following ingredients:
spoonful of yogurt
spoon of rice flour.
spoonful of turmeric
drops of lemon juice.
Gently massage the sensitive areas with this mixture, leave the mixture for 15 minutes before washing it, and use this recipe daily and you will notice the difference.
Tips to lighten the body and sensitive areas in general if you rely on shaving:
Choose the right razor: Make sure to use a razor that is gentle on your skin, as not all razors can be used in any position, as there are types of women's razors and not the regular type.
Cleaning the area and preparing it before shaving: It is necessary to clean the skin well, as well as expose it to warm water for ten minutes before shaving, as the warm water helps prepare the skin for better and easier hair removal.
Peeling: It is preferable to exfoliate the skin in this area to get rid of dead skin cells by using a mixture of sugar and honey or by using salt and honey, or even by using a wet towel and gently rubbing it to get rid of dead skin cells.
Use natural recipes to whiten sensitive areas periodically to contribute to the non-recurrence of tanning to those areas.
Using a shaving cream: Using a trusted shaving cream contributes to improving shaving results and not darkening the skin, because these creams contain moisturizing ingredients, such as: Shea butter, olive oil.
Gently hair removal: The hair must be removed correctly in the same direction of the hair to avoid redness and irritation of the skin, while avoiding pressure on the skin, but after using the machine in the same direction of the hair, it is preferable to use it again in the opposite direction to ensure a smoother shave with better results.
Quick Rinse: Rinse the area immediately after shaving with as cold water as possible to avoid skin irritation.
Moisturizing: It is preferable to adhere to moisturizing this area quickly after shaving with a natural moisturizer such as lavender oil, aloe vera and jojoba oil, while staying away from moisturizing products that contain alcohol to avoid infections or using skin care creams that are appropriate for your skin type.
Blade cleaning: The blade must be cleaned with alcohol and warm or hot water after each shave, and you must replace it after using it 3 times at most to avoid bacteria growth and transfer to you by frequent shaving.