Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease caused by a defect in the immune system, which is the formation of thick silvery scales and layers over the skin that are dry and itchy, and redness of the skin le to a feeling of pain.
It takes a long time to treat psoriasis, and through this article we will talk more about the causes, symptoms and treatment of psoriasis through a dermatologist at Duxpert.
Causes of psoriasis
There is no clear cause for psoriasis. It is a disease caused by a problem affecting the immune system, which causes a defect in the work of the immune system.
It is also due to a family history or genetic factors in psoriasis.
Exposure to a bacterial infection (for example: bacteria that affects the throat) or viral (for example: HIV infection).
Exposure to psychological stress or depression is one of the factors that affect the functioning of the immune system.
Overweight and obesity, where psoriasis appears in some cases in the folds of the body.
psoriasis symptoms
There are many symptoms that appear in the case of psoriasis, including:
The appearance of red spots on the surface of the skin covered with thick silvery scales itching and burning sensation of the skin severely exposed to dryness and cracking, which causes bleeding in the skin, swelling and stiffness of the joints, exposure to skin injuries (such as: scratching, allergy, friction, or an insect bite). Exposure to depression and psychological stress. Smoking intake. Use of some types of medication (such as: blood pressure medication). The lower back, elbows, legs, soles of the feet, scalp, face, knees and hands are among the most common areas affected by psoriasis.
Types of psoriasis
Psoriasis has different types and severity according to the nature of each person, and these types include the following:
plaque psoriasis
This type is considered one of the most common types, as it appears dry skin patches in red color covered with silver scales that lead to a feeling of severe itching and pain and appear widely in the elbows, knees, scalp and lower back.
nail psoriasis
This type of psoriasis affects the nails of the hands and feet, which leads to the appearance of holes in the nails and grow abnormally, which leads to a change in their color and in some cases leads to the crumbling of the nails.
guttate psoriasis
This type mainly affects children and adults and is caused by a bacterial infection such as strep throat.
inverted psoriasis
This type affects the skin folds in the groin, breast, and buttocks, which leads to the appearance of smooth spots of red skin, the complications of which increase with friction and sweating.
Erythrodermic psoriasis
This less common type is a red, scaly rash that affects the entire body.
pustular psoriasis
It is a type of psoriasis that is rarely affected, as it appears in the form of scattered spots or in smaller areas on the palms of the hands or the soles of the feet.
psoriatic arthritis
Psoriatic arthritis causes severe swelling and pain in the joints. Symptoms range from mild to severe, and can affect any joint, resulting in stiffness and joint damage.
Treatment of Psoriasis
There are several different treatments in the treatment of psoriasis that differ from one person to another according to the nature of the case. The treatment methods depend on the diagnosis of the dermatologist with “Duxpert” in order to develop the appropriate treatment plan for each case. Among these treatments are the following:
drug therapy
Your dermatologist prescribes Duxpert a variety of specialized oral psoriasis medications, such as:
If you have a small number of patches of psoriasis, your dermatologist will prescribe the steroids. Retinoids are used in the event of reduced production of skin cells and its complications include dry skin and muscle pain. Cyclosporine is a type of oral psoriasis medication that suppresses the immune system. Biologics: These drugs alter the immune system to halt the course of the disease and improve symptoms and signs within weeks.
topical treatment
In the second stage, the dermatologist prescribes "Duxpert" a group of topical creams in the treatment of psoriasis, such as:
Corticosteroids These are the most common topical ointments and creams prescribed by a dermatologist for mild to moderate psoriasis. They also recommend some mild corticosteroid ointments (hydrocortisone) for sensitive areas such as the face. It is used once daily. Prescribed vitamin D, such as calcipotriene calcitriol (Vectical), slows the growth of skin cells. Retinoids Tazarotene is available in gel or cream form, and is applied once or twice daily. The most common complications are skin irritation and sensitivity. It is not recommended to use tazarotene during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or if you intend to become pregnant. Calcineurin inhibitors reduce inflammation and plaque buildup and are most effective in thin skin areas such as around the eyes. It is not recommended for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding and is advised not to use it for a long time due to the increased risk of skin cancer. Salicylic acid, which is prescribed in the treatment of psoriasis of the scalp, works to reduce psoriatic scales on the scalp. Coal tar reduces itching and inflammation of the skin. It is available over the counter as shampoo, cream, and oil and is not recommended for prescribing coal tar to women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Anthralin is a cream that is used to slow the growth of skin cells and also works to remove scales and make the skin smoother.
Psoriasis can be treated through exposure to radiation, and they are:
Exposure to the sun is useful in improving and treating psoriasis. Exposure to ultraviolet B rays, as it treats widespread psoriasis spots and psoriasis that do not improve using topical treatments and creams, and the complications of these rays are redness, itching and dryness of the skin. UVA rays penetrate deeper into the skin than UVB light, making the skin psoralen more responsive to UVA rays. It is the most powerful and effective treatment for psoriasis and its conditions. The side effects of this ray include nausea, headache, itching, burning, and increased sun sensitivity. Excimer laser treatment requires fewer sessions than phototherapy due to the use of more powerful light than ultraviolet B rays.
In the end
At the end of this article, we recommend seeking medical help if there are no changes in the nature of the body and the feeling of the previously mentioned psoriasis symptoms. Treatment at Duxpert primarily through the best dermatologist focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of psoriasis and how to control the accompanying symptoms him and his treatment.
It was also clarified in this article about the methods of treating psoriasis and its most important causes and how to treat it through "Duxpert", and if you encounter any question or inquiry, do not hesitate to send it to be answered as soon as possible.
Show your case to a world-class expert in psoriasis
If you are looking for an accurate diagnosis and the best treatment plan for psoriasis, Duxpert Health provides you with the opportunity to present your medical condition to the world-renowned expert in dermatology, Dr. Joanna Gach, through a video interview with the international expert after preparing a detailed medical file on your condition to be presented to the expert.
The role of ozone therapy in psoriasis
Ozone therapy is a great detoxification treatment which boosts your immunity and blood circulation, treatment results show that ozone therapy is effective in treating psoriasis, ozone therapy acts as a regulator of the over-response of the immune system, reduces the level of oxidative stress, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect.
The body becomes unable to function efficiently if the amount of toxins it is experiencing is greater than its ability to remove, and this affects the state of the immune system. A body overburdened with toxins will try to remove them through the skin, which can also lead to psoriasis lesions.
The role of vitamin D in psoriasis
Vitamin D does more than just regulate calcium and bone health. Vitamin D deficiency can greatly affect a person’s physical and mental health. A lack of vitamin D in the body has been linked to various health problems, including cognitive decline, depression, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular disease. High blood pressure, diabetes, autoimmune diseases and cancer.
Vitamin D in its active form is actually a master hormone that controls at least 200 genes in our cells After the discovery of vitamin D receptors throughout the body, its role in preventing and treating chronic disease is gaining momentum, Vitamin D strengthens the immune system against viruses, bacteria and organisms Other microorganisms, Vitamin D is not an optional supplement, it is necessary.